Journal Articles
- Locality and Expectation Effects in Hindi Preverbal Constituent Ordering. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. Cognition. 2022. [PsyArXiv] [journal] [pdf] [X-thread]
Peer-Reviewed Proceedings
- A Systematic Exploration of Linguistic Phenomena in Spoken Hindi: Resource Creation and Hypothesis Testing. Aadya Ranjan, Sidharth Ranjan, and Rajakrishnan Rajkumar. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON), AU-KBC Research Centre, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 2024. [pdf] [talk]
- Work Smarter...Not Harder: Efficient Minimization of Dependency Length in SOV Languages. Sidharth Ranjan and Titus von der Malsburg. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci). 2024. [arXiv] [talk] [X-thread]
- Does Dependency Locality Predict Non-canonical Word Order in Hindi? Sidharth Ranjan and Marten van Schijndel. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci). 2024. [arXiv] [poster] [X-thread]
- Interference Predicts Locality: Evidence from an SOV Language. Sidharth Ranjan, Sumeet Agarwal, and Rajakrishnan Rajkumar. In Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL). 2024. [PsyArXiv] [talk] [X-thread]
- A Bounded Rationality Account of Dependency Length Minimization in Hindi. Sidharth Ranjan and Titus von der Malsburg. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci). 2023. [arXiv] [poster] [X-thread]
- Discourse Context Predictability Effects in Hindi Word Order. Sidharth Ranjan, Marten van Schijndel, Sumeet Agarwal, and Rajakrishnan Rajkumar. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). 2022. [pdf] [poster] [X-thread]
- Dual Mechanism Priming Effects in Hindi Word Order. Sidharth Ranjan, Marten van Schijndel, Sumeet Agarwal, and Rajakrishnan Rajkumar. In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP). 2022. [pdf] [talk] [X-thread]
- Linguistically Motivated Features for Classifying Shorter Text into Fiction and Non-Fiction Genres. Arman Kazmi, Sidharth Ranjan, Arpit Sharma, and Rajakrishnan Rajkumar. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING). 2022. [pdf] [poster]
- Linguistic Complexity and Planning Effects on Word Duration in Hindi Read Aloud Speech. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL). 2022. [pdf] [talk]
- Effects of Duration, Locality, and Surprisal in Speech Disfluency Prediction in English Spontaneous Speech. Samvit Dammalapati, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, Sidharth Ranjan, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL). 2021. [pdf] [talk]
- A Simple Approach to Classify Fictional and Non-Fictional Genres. Mohammed Rameez Qureshi, Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Kushal Shah. In Proceedings of the Second Storytelling Workshop, ACL. 2019. [pdf] [tool] [app] [poster]
- Surprisal and Interference Effects of Case Markers in Hindi Word Order. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, NAACL. 2019. [pdf] [talk]
- Uniform Information Density Effects on Syntactic Choice in Hindi. Ayush Jain* Vishal Singh* Sidharth Ranjan*, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Complexity and Natural Language Processing, COLING. 2018. [pdf] [talk] [* = Joint first authors]
- Cognitive Modeling of Hindi Syntactic Choice Phenomena. Sidharth Ranjan. PhD thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. 2023. [IITD Library] [X-thread]
- Investigation of Locality Effects in Hindi Language Production. Sidharth Ranjan. Master's thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. 2015.
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
- Limits of Dependency Length Minimization. Sidharth Ranjan and Titus von der Malsburg. In Proceedings of the Rational Approaches in Language Science (RAILS), Saarland University, Germany. 2025. [pdf] [poster]
- A Bounded Rationality Account of Constituent Order in SOV languages. Sidharth Ranjan and Titus von der Malsburg. In Proceedings of the Linguistic Evidence Conference, University of Potsdam, Germany. 2024. [pdf] [talk]
- Dependency Length Minimization in SOV languages: A Bounded Rationality View. Sidharth Ranjan and Titus von der Malsburg. In Proceedings of the 4th South Asian Forum on the Acquisition and Processing of Language (SAFAL), IIT Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 2023. [pdf] [poster]
- Annotating a Corpus of Hindi Spoken Data. Aadya Ranjan, Sidharth Ranjan, and Rajakrishnan Rajkumar. In Proceedings of the 4th South Asian Forum on the Acquisition and Processing of Language (SAFAL), IIT Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. 2023. [pdf] [poster]
- Interplay of Memory Interference and Syntactic Complexity in Hindi Comprehension. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP; formerly known as CUNY), University of Pittsburgh. 2023. [pdf] [poster]
- Predictability Effects of Content and Function Words in Hindi Silent Reading. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP), York, UK. 2022. [pdf] [poster]
- Interference and Case Marker Effects in Dependency Locality: Insights from Hindi. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Toronto, Ontaria, Canada. 2022. [pdf] [poster]
- Which Sentences do Speakers Favor? Lexical Repetition Effects on Hindi Word Order. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP; formerly known as CUNY), UC Santa Cruz, California. 2022. [pdf] [poster]
- Locality Effects in the Processing of Argument Structure and Information Status using Reading Aloud Paradigm. Rupesh Pandey, Sidharth Ranjan, and Rajakrishnan Rajkumar. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual conference of the Association for Cognitive Science in India (ACCS), Amrita University. 2022. [pdf] [talk]
- Expectation Adaptation Models Hindi Preverbal Constituent Ordering. Sidharth Ranjan, Sumeet Agarwal, and Rajakrishnan Rajkumar. In Proceedings of Computational Cognition (COMCO) Workshop, Osnabrück, Germany 2021. [pdf] [poster]
- Expectation Adaptation Effects in Hindi Preverbal Constituent Ordering. Sidharth Ranjan, Sumeet Agarwal, and Rajakrishnan Rajkumar. In Proceedings of the 7th Annual conference of the Association for Cognitive Science in India (ACCS), IISc Bangalore. 2021. [pdf] [talk]
- Forward Surprisal Models Production Planning in Reading Aloud. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP), Potsdam, Germany. 2020. [pdf] [talk]
- Effects of Uniform Information Density in English Syntactic Choice. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP), Potsdam, Germany. 2020. [pdf] [poster]
- Cognitive Factors Influencing Word Order Variation in Hindi Actives and Passives. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP), Potsdam, Germany. 2020. [pdf] [poster]
- Locality and Expectation Effects in Hindi Preverbal Constituent Ordering. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the 1st South Asian Forum on the Acquisition and Processing of Language (SAFAL), Potsdam, Germany. 2020. [pdf] [talk]
- Uniform Information Density and Word Order: A Cross-Linguistic Investigation of Hindi and English Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual conference of the Association for Cognitive Science in India (ACCS), IIT Guwahati. 2018. [pdf] [talk]
- Investigation of Locality Effects in Hindi Language Production Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cognition, Brain and Computation (CBC), IIT Gandhinagar. 2015. [poster]
- Investigating Locality Effects in Hindi Language Production. Sidharth Ranjan, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, and Sumeet Agarwal. In Proceedings of Ninth Students' Conference of Linguistics in India (SCONLI-9), IIT Delhi. 2015. [talk]