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I am currently a Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Linguistics, University of Stuttgart, Germany. At present, my research focus is computational decision-making and human bias. I earned my PhD in Computational Linguistics and Cognitive Modeling from the ANSK School of Information Technology at IIT Delhi. In my dissertation, I primarily studied linguistic structures and syntactic preferences using corpus-based and behavioural methods, and developed cognitively motivated computational models to account for comprehension and production processes in Hindi, an SOV language. I am broadly interested in the mixture of computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, natural language processing, machine learning, and cognitive science.

In the past, I served as a Senior Engineer at Honeywell Aerospace in Bangalore for nearly 2 years, where I was responsible for developing software to test electrical hardware and circuits in cockpit systems viz., communication devices and display screens. I also conducted automated Test Coverage Analyses as part of my role. During my time at the company, I completed the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Green Belt certification program, a business management strategy employed across industries to enhance quality and streamline processes. Prior to that, I received Dual Degree, B.Tech in Electrical Engineering, and M.Tech in Information and Communication Technology from IIT Delhi. During my undergrad, I also took a minor degree worth of courses in Linguistics for credit (20 credits; 5 courses and 1 minor project). Subsequently, for my Master's thesis, I focused on developing computational models of Hindi word order. This work became the basis of my PhD dissertation later on. Finally, I also have a formal training in Hindustani classical music with a BA degree in Tabla (a percussion instrument) from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad.


 Academic Dossier

[Available upon request; please email me.]

  • CV [Click Here]
  • Research Statement
  • Teaching Statement
  • Final Approved Doctoral Dissertation
  • Examiner's Report (with recommendations for distinction in doctoral research)
  • PhD Degree Certificate


 Research Awards

  • 2024: Publication Prize, University of Stuttgart [Amount: € 2500]
  • 2023: Cognitive Science Society Paper Award [Amount: $ 1000]
  • 2022: Google Research Travel Grant, India [Amount: € 1500]
  • 2022: Microsoft Research Travel Grant (MSR), India [Amount: € 1100]
  • 2022: School of IT Research Scholar Travel Award, India [Amount: $ 2500]
  • 2019: Microsoft Research Travel Grant (MSR), India [Amount: $ 1500]
  • 2019: French National Centre for Scientific Research Travel Grant (French CNRS) [Amount: $ 280]
  • 2017: IIT Delhi Research Scholar Travel Award (RSTA) [Amount: $ 2150]

 Media Coverage